JavaScript Examples
This section contains an extensive collection of practice examples demonstrating the various techniques and features of the JavaScript language in real action.
JavaScript Basic
- JavaScript "Hello World!" application
- Embedding JavaScript code in an HTML file
- Calling an external JavaScript file in a HTML document
- Insert JavaScript code inside HTML tag
- Case sensitivity in JavaScript
- JavaScript Single line comments
- JavaScript Multi line comments
- Creating variables in JavaScript
- Declaring variables in JavaScript
- Declaring multiple variables in at once JavaScript
JavaScript Generating Output
- Writing into the browser console
- Writing into an alert dialog box
- Writing into the browser window
- Problem with
method - Writing into an HTML element
JavaScript Data Types
- String data type
- Number data type
- Representing Infinity value
- Representing Not-a-Number value
- Boolean data type
- Undefined data type
- Null data type
- Object data type
- Object properties names without quotes
- Array data type
- Function data type
- Passing a function as argument to other function
- The
JavaScript Operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- String operators
- Increment decrement operators
- Logical operators
- Comparison operators
JavaScript Events
- Attaching event handlers inline
- Attaching event handlers in an external file
- Handling the click event
- Handling the contextmenu event
- Handling the mouseover event
- Handling the mouseout event
- Handling the keydown event
- Handling the keyup event
- Handling the keypress event
- Handling the focus event
- Handling the blur event
- Handling the change event
- Handling the submit event
- Handling the load event
- Handling the unload event
- Handling the resize event
JavaScript Strings
- Creating strings in JavaScript
- Using quotes inside a string
- Escaping quotes inside a string
- Using escape sequences
- Get the length of a string
- Find the position a substring within a string
- Find the position of last occurrence of a substring within a string
- Find the position of a substring within a string from specific index
- Search text or pattern inside a string
- Slice out a portion of a string
- Slice strings using negative indexes
- Extract substring from a string
- Extract fixed number of characters from a string
- Replace part of string with another string
- Find and replace text in a string case insensitively
- Replace all occurrences of a substring in a string
- Convert a string to uppercase characters
- Convert a string to lowercase characters
- Join two or more strings
- Extract a single character from a string
- Extract a single character from a string using square brackets
- Split a string into an array
- Split a string into an array of characters
JavaScript Numbers
- Representing numbers in JavaScript
- Representing numbers in exponential notation
- Representing numbers in hexadecimal notation
- Adding numbers and strings
- Automatic conversion of numeric strings to numbers
- Performing mathematical operation on non numeric values
- Adding floating point numbers
- Fixing roundoff error
- Precision problem with integers
- Parse integers from strings
- Parse floating point numbers from strings
- Convert numbers to strings
- Format a number in exponential notation
- Format numbers to fixed decimal places
- Format numbers with precision
- Largest and smallest possible pumbers
JavaScript If...Else and Switch Statements
- JavaScript if statement
- JavaScript if...else statement
- JavaScript if...elseif...else statement
- JavaScript statement
- JavaScript statement with default clause on top
- Combine multiple cases in a switch case statement
- Typical conditional statement
- Ternary operator
JavaScript Arrays
- Storing single value in a variable
- Creating arrays in JavaScript
- Access individual elements of an array
- Get the length of an array
- Loop through an array using for loop
- Loop through an array using for of loop
- Loop through an array using for in loop
- Add a new element at the end of an array
- Add a new element at the beginning of an array
- Add multiple elements to an array at once
- Remove the last element from an array
- Remove the first element from an array
- Add or remove array elements at any index
- Join all elements of an array into a string
- Convert an array into a comma separated string
- Extract out a portion of an array
- Extract all elements from an array beyond specific index
- Merge two arrays together into a single array
- Merge multiple arrays into a single array
- Search an array for a specific value
- Search an array for a specific value beyond certain index
- Find whether an array includes a certain value
- Search an array based on certain condition
- Search an array based on certain condition and find index
- Filter an array in JavaScript
JavaScript Sorting Arrays
- Sort an array alphabetically in JavaScript
- Reverse the order of an array
- Sort a numeric array in JavaScript
- Sort a numeric array correctly using compare function
- Find the maximum and minimum value in an array
- Sort an array of objects
JavaScript Loops
- JavaScript while loop
- JavaScript do...while loop
- JavaScript for loop
- Iterate over an array using for loop
- JavaScript loop
- Iterate over an array using for in loop
JavaScript Functions
- Define and call a function in JavaScript
- Add parameters to a function
- Pass arguments to a function
- Return a value from a function
- Return multiple values from a function
- JavaScript function expression
- Assign a function to a variable
- JavaScript function declaration vs function expression
- JavaScript local variable
- JavaScript global variable
JavaScript Objects
- Creating objects in JavaScript
- Quoting property names of an object
- Get properties values of an object
- Access properties of an object using bracket notation
- Dynamically access object properties using variables
- Loop through an object in JavaScript
- Set the properties of an object
- Remove properties from an object
- Call the methods of an object
- JavaScript copy by value
- JavaScript copy by reference
JavaScript DOM Selectors
- Select HTML head and body elements
- Access body element from different location
- Select an element by its id attribute
- Select elements by class name
- Select elements by tag name
- Select elements with css selectors
JavaScript DOM Styling
- Add inline styles to an element
- Get style information from an element
- Get computed style information from an element
- Add or replace css classes on an element
- Add or remove css classes on an element using classlist
JavaScript DOM Get Set Attributes
- Get the value of an attribute
- Set an attribute on an element
- Remove an attribute from an element
- Change the value of an attribute
JavaScript DOM Manipulation
- Insert new element into the DOM
- Insert new element at the beginning
- Get set inner HTML of an element
- Insert HTML without replacing the existing content
- Remove an element from the DOM
- Remove child element without knowing its parent
- Replace an element with another element in the DOM
JavaScript DOM Navigation
- Get first and last child nodes
- Get only element child nodes
- Get all child nodes
- Get all element child nodes
- Get parent node
- Get only parent element node
- Get previous and next node
- Get previous and next sibling element
JavaScript Window
- Get browser viewport dimensions
- Get width and height of the browser viewport excluding scrollbars
- Get screen resolution
- Get available width and height of the screen
- Get color depth of the screen
- Get pixel depth of the screen
JavaScript Window Location
- Get the current url
- Get the different parts of a url
- Load another resource from a url
- Replace current url with a new url
- Load new document in the window
- Reload a page dynamically
JavaScript Dialog Boxes
JavaScript Timers
- Execute a function after some time
- Execute a function at regular intervals
- Cancel a timer with cleartimeout
- Cancel a timer with clearinterval
JavaScript Date and Time
- Create a date object in JavaScript
- Passing parameters to the date object
- Construct a date object by passing a date string
- Define a date object by passing the number of milliseconds
- Get the current date and time in JavaScript
- Generate date strings in JavaScript
- Generate time strings in JavaScript
- Get year month and day from a date object
- Get hours minutes and seconds from a date object
- Set the year value of a date object
- Set the month value of a date object
- Specify the month value outside of the range
- Set the date value of a date object
- Specify the date value outside of the range
- Set the hours minutes and seconds values of a date object
JavaScript Math Operations
- Representing PI (π) in JavaScript
- Get the absolute value of a number
- Generate a random integer
- Calculate the square root of a number
- Round a number up in JavaScript
- Round a number down in JavaScript
- Round a number to the nearest integer
- Find the largest and smallest numbers in a set
- Find the maximum and minimum values in an array
- Pass an array to max and min methods using spread operator
- Raise a number to a certain power
- Perform trigonometric operations in JavaScript
JavaScript Type Conversions
- Automatic data type conversions
- Convert a numeric string to number
- Convert values to numbers
- Convert a boolean value to string
- Convert values to strings
- Convert a number to string
- Convert values to boolean
- Automatic object to primitive data type conversions
- Convert objects to primitive data types manually
- Perform data type conversions using operators
JavaScript Event Listeners
- Assigning multiple event handlers on a single event
- Assigning multiple event listeners on a single event
- Attaching different event listeners to different event types
- Adding event listener to the window resize event
- Removing an event listener
JavaScript Event Propagation
- Event capturing mechanism
- Event bubbling mechanism
- Get the event target
- Event propagation in JavaScript
- Stop event propagation
- Stop immediate propagation of an event
- Prevent default actions with JavaScript
JavaScript Borrowing Methods
- Call methods from other object
- Apply methods of another object
- Apply built in methods
- Using spread operator instead of apply method
- Find max or min value in an array using reduce method
JavaScript Hoisting
- Function hoisting in JavaScript
- Using a variable before it is declared
- Using a variable before it is initialized
- Variable hoisting in JavaScript
JavaScript Strict Mode
- Enable strict mode in JavaScript
- Enable strict mode inside the function
- Cannot assign to undeclared variable in strict mode
- Cannot delete a variable in strict mode
- Cannot delete a function in strict mode
- Duplicate parameter name not allowed in strict mode
- Eval cannot alter scope in strict mode
- Eval and arguments cannot be used as identifier in strict mode
- Strict mode code may not contain with statements
- Cannot assign to read only property of object in strict mode
- Cannot add property to a non extensible object in strict mode
- Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode
JavaScript JSON Parsing
- JSON object data structure
- JSON array data structure
- Convert JSON string to JavaScript object and access individual values
- Parse nested JSON data in JavaScript
- Convert JavaScript object to JSON string
- Convert JavaScript array to JSON string
JavaScript ES6 Features
- ES6 let keyword
- ES6 const keyword
- ES6 constants are not truly immutable
- ES6 for...of loop
- ES6 template literals
- Creating multi line strings in older versions
- ES6 function with default parameter values
- Setting default values for function parameters in older versions
- ES6 arrow functions
- ES6 arrow function variations
- The
keyword value inside a simple function - The
keyword value inside an arrow function - ES6 class declaration
- ES6 module system
- ES6 rest parameter
- ES6 get extra function arguments with rest parameter
- ES6 spread operator
- ES6 insert array elements into another array using spread operator
- Accessing individual array elements in older versions
- ES6 array destructuring assignment
- ES6 using rest operator in array destructuring assignment
- Accessing object property values in older versions
- ES6 object destructuring assignment